what ?

Kamis, 09 September 2010

Selasa, 10 Agustus 2010

hari pertama puasa , hari aku berhaus haus ria

aku lapar
aku haus
yess ..
hari pertama puasaan
ga tahan , mataharinya nyucuk banget -____-

mudahan tahan smpe titik darah penghabisan ya

besok aku sekolah , ternyata kaga jadi libur semingguan ini , di ganti smua
dan gra gra pengumuman baru ini , tipe x ku jadi habissssbisbis
knapa eh knapa , krna harus mengganti ulang smuanya yg udah aku tulis di agendaku jadi harus ku ralat lagi T.T

dan katanya tuh ya , kita pesantren pake baju sekolah . wtf ?!
yeah .

terus ntar pas tanggal 15 , aku bakti sosial sama anak anak BANS , sekali lagi , BANS .
lagi deh , BANS ! aku bangga *tangan diatas*

well , aku ga ada temen smsan , pacarku lgi bobo , mungkin dia laper kali ye , mungkin dengan bobok dia jdi ga laper lagi. hehe . sumpah sotoy abis
ada yg mau nemenin smsan ? ni nmrku 085753550xxx
coba aja kalau kagak nyasar ye

riri sma citra mau kerumah ni , pada ngajak jalan , kangen juga sama mreka bwakakakak

smpe disini ya postingan ane , ane mau ngupload foto di FLICKR neh
*liat ntuh kan ada yg di pojok kanan blog ku , itutuh foto" ku , di view yaaaa :D

keep enjoyy :)
wassalamualaikum !

lagunya paramore : misery business teopebegeteee

I'm in the business of misery,
Let's take it from the top.
She's got a body like an hourglass it's ticking like a clock.
It's a matter of time before we all run out,
When I thought he was mine she caught him by the mouth.

I waited eight long months,
She finally set him free.
I told him I couldn't lie he was the only one for me.
Two weeks and we caught on fire,
She's got it out for me,
But I wear the biggest smile.

Whoa, I never meant to brag
But I got him where I want him now.
Whoa, it was never my intention to brag
just steal it all away from you now.
But God does it feel so good,
Cause I got him where I want him now.
And if you could then you know you would.
Cause God it just feels so,
It just feels so good.

Second chances they don't ever matter, people never change.
Once a whore you're nothing more, I'm sorry, that'll never change.
And about forgiveness, we're both supposed to have exchanged.
I'm sorry honey, but I'm passin' up, now look this way.
Well there's a million other girls who do it just like you.
Looking as innocent as possible to get to who,
They want and what they like it's easy if you do it right.
Well I refuse, I refuse, I refuse!

Whoa, I never meant to brag
But I got him where I want him now.
Whoa, it was never my intention to brag
just steal it all away from you now.
But God does it feel so good,
Cause I got him where I want him right now.
And if you could then you know you would.
Cause God it just feels so,
It just feels so good.

I watched his wildest dreams come true
Not one of them involving you
Just watch my wildest dreams come true
Not one of them involving.

Whoa, I never meant to brag,
But I got him where I want him now.

Whoa, I never meant to brag
But I got him where I want him now.
Whoa, it was never my intention to brag
just steal it all away from you now.
But God does it feel so good,
Cause I got what I wanted now
And if you could then you know you would.
Cause God it just feels so,
It just feels so good.

Senin, 09 Agustus 2010

sekarang aku anak BANS (Barisan Anti Narkoba Sekolah) dan aku sangat banggaaaaaaa :)

ih bangga banget loh bisa jadi anggota BANS , keliatan keren banget , bwahahaha aku bangga kawan , aku banggaa :D (senyum lebar nyengir kuda)
*keren ga gambar di atas ? aku browsing kmaren buat tugas presentase bans . hehe . lucu ajeyeh . ehe ehe heeeee heekkk

ah apalah namanya . terserah

sekarang aku sering ditinggalin pacarku buat latian paskib :(
aku agak sedikit ngerasa ga di peduliin lagi sih.
tpi ya aku juga ga mau egois.
dia kya gitu juga krna tuntutan sekolah kan , buat 17an juga.
sukses ya 17annya buat pacarku , Aji :*

btw hari ni aku bolos , bcause faktor M (MALAS)
acara di sekolah tu bikin aku ngantuk suntuk untuk untuk bnget
jadi males deh
buat kelas 1 AKUTANSI AK2 , kita harus yakin , we can guysss . yeeeeeahhh

wah ga krasa ya , malam ini tuh orang orang uda pada teraweh , besok pan uda puasaan .
yeah buat yg bobonya bangkong kya kebo minta kawin , alarm tu uda di standby ya , buat sahur besok
sepertinya tekadku buat teraweh tiap hri bisa kagak terwujud , bwakwakakak lagi lagi faktor M.
hanya aku dan Tuhan yg tau kawan.

smpe disini dulu yee postinganku , belum mandi ni , sekalian mau bertapa di wc .
*oalaaah , jam di rumahku mati toh kirain memang masih jam setengah 7 xD
aku nya daritadi santai aja kaga mandi . yeah . salahkan jam tak beranak batre

kiskis :* mwaa

ini yg di bilang orang orang mrip cinta laura , huahahahaha yg ada nyi blorong kali ! *laugh*